Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Altogether different...

It's Halloween night and we've had the sum total of one little boy with his dad knock on the door. I know there's a lot of old folk where I live, but I thought we'd have had more than that. Oh well, maybe next year I'll go out trick or treatin myself!
FrankensmileyFrankenstein's Bride Trick O' Treater Skeleton
I thought going on your holidays was supposed to be a stress free time, NOT. My head is a jumble of what to take, is it clean? does it need ironing? where is it?

I think I need to go to bed and start afresh tomorrow!

Halloween Madness

It's now only a few days until my holiday, I've not even started to pack yet. I'll be standing ironing and packing tonight as I don't have much time to do it during the rest of the week. I lead an exciting life don't I?

Everything else is sorted, tickets, money, sunglasses..etc

If I don't get chance to post before I go...I'll catch up when I get back.

Wish me Bon Voyage!

Friday, October 06, 2006

A return to the fold...

I can't believe it's been over a month since I last updated this. Time has just flown by and it seams that so little has happened.

My holiday is now only 4 weeks away and it seems an age since it was booked, but there it is almost on the horizon and most within reach if I close my eyes. I'm there already sat on the white sand on Venice Beach watching the guys go by…